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Regarding GitLab repos

Discussions related to projects on the GitLab server

Moderator: Roy

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Regarding GitLab repos

Post by wjhbr »

Hello everyone.

I was thinking of taking a look over the repos over the local gitlab instance you have running, but it appears you must wait for an approval, then upon closer inspection I've found the message where the repos are apparently not yet available on the instance anyway, which is, I'm guessing, is the reason why we need approval

To my question, when will the repos be added? ;)
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Post by Roy »

Hi there and welcome to the forum.

Yes, the GitLab server setup is not completed yet. I did think that guests could browse all projects, but apparently not. It should be like that - I will look into it soon.

Anyway, I just approved your application. Until now there are only 4 projects there... more will follow in the near(ish) future.

If you have any questions or otherwise, do let me know.

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