Hey Roy

Let us know if you think something should be added, changed or otherwise

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Hey Roy

Post by nucleus »


Hello there. I'm the one who messaged you about the missing menulibre package on Reddit. I obviously set up an account on the forum, is there anything in the forum you'd like me to try or test? I don't know if theres private messages in the forum, but I was hoping maybe you could let me know what I need in /etc/skel to have my distro start with one of the many themes I have in my setup so it isn't stock XFCE.

Check out my Raspberry Pi 4 distro here : Project Nucleus

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Post by Roy »

Hello Nucleus and welcome to the forum.

I checked your link and the videos in the Video section. Kudos to you, looks pretty advanced. Cool name and logo for the project also.

There is no private messaging system here yet, so no need to do other testing. And FYI, there is also no email notification of new messages. Still on the Todo list.

As for the "/etc/skel" folder, what I usually do is to simply copy the contents of my own home folder to skel, and then just weed out all the things not necessary. The skel folder (short for skeleton) will become the new user's home folder.

Example: To get the theme set by default for new users, you would need the file /home/{user}/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xsettings.xml

So basically, first tweak the setup of your own user as you want the new users to be. Then just copy the whole /home/{user}/.config/ and - if needed - .local to the skel folder.

You might also wanna copy other files, such as .bashrc, .profile and .face for further control of the new user's experience.

I think this should more or less cover it. Do let me know if you have further questions.
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Post by nucleus »


Thanks for checking out my site/videos.

Also, thank you for the info on the /etc/skel folder. That should get me going in the right direction.

It will be interesting to see the new version of XFCE (4.18) coming out on 12/15 and what that brings us.

I too started out on Commodore computers. First the PET Model 4016 at school, and then the c64. I currently have a SX-64 still working actually.

Have a good holiday season!
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Post by Roy »

You are most welcome.

And yes, Jack Tramiel and Commodore really ruled the world of home computers back in the 80s. Such an interesting story, it's a shame it is not being told today.

Thank you and same to you!
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