Are some of the icons stolen assets?

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Are some of the icons stolen assets?

Post by i-love-windows7 »

some of them seem identical (though i dont know for sure) to their windows 7 equivalents. I'm not trying to accuse you of anything, I really love this project. But it is a bit risky to use assets that are not creative commons or public domain, I really hope they aren't stolen as you can get in trouble with microsoft
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Post by Roy »

Hello and welcome to the forum.

Yes, you are right that some of the current icons are indeed from the original Windows 7 icon pack. These include:
  1. The "Computer" icon on the desktop (also used in File Manager)
  2. The "Notepad" icon
  3. The "Calculator" icon
  4. The "Graphics" Start menu category icon
And yes, I totally agree we need replacements for these icons, to avoid any future legal issues.

I did search, but had trouble finding suitable icons, that are in the same/similar enough style as Windows 7.

Please do let me know if you (or anybody) have any suggestions and I will replace them for the final version 1.0.

P.S. Thank you so much for the kind words and your concerns, I appreciate it.

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Post by beagroves »

Hello Roy!

Firstly, I like Kumander... a nice piece of work that really 'flies', and would be very good for any person migrating away from the unsupported Windows 7.

As to the icon issue, has numerous potential themes which could make a close substitute for the Windows styles currently used. Personally I like Vamox, but YMMD :-)
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Post by Roy »

Hello there, Beagroves!

Thank you for the kind words, and the suggestion for using Vamox icons.

I checked them out and I think they are pretty chill and mellow. Nice, I will consider them. :)

Thanks again!
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