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handmade fork

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handmade fork

Post by againme »

saw six episodes (last videos) on youtube where you teacher how to make kummander linux from debian - after this seasons more kumanders makes his forks as "bolgenos" (mem: schoolboy sayed in '00years to his teacher (womens) of informatic: i am maked new operation system and she(s) informed (by tv) peopels about young genius - but (after) people says his os was ubuntu-fork stylesed as macos (some pc-markets for lols sales laptop with bolgenos as lindows experiens) ... after school boy work at tv and died by motobike-crash)

may be made second season where: from debian-ubuntu-mint-CommodoreOS[Vision]-kumander=> make kummanders-forks as winvi[sta] (w7 is vista2 - now need vista[1]aero)
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Post by againme »


3 season:
[enoch -] gentoo - chromium os - core os [- container linux] - flatcar => "unikernel" and "microkernel"

season four:
redhat - fedore core - fedora - [moblin2 - meego] - tizen and/or [mer] - sailfish os [aurora & harmony[next]]

bonus season:
[sls - ]slackware - armedslack [- slackware arm ] - slp4

and kumanders stay linux-profi
or gone to cleare-linux OR vanilla[2.]0rchid

Last edited by againme on Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:23 pm

Post by againme »

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