Proposal for better Windows 7 Experience

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Proposal for better Windows 7 Experience

Post by audacity »

First, Hello Roy!

Hi, Roy, I really like Windows 7, too. It was a beautiful OS, and I love how Kumander's theme is inspired by Windows 7. However, it would be greatly appreciated to consider forking Manjaro KDE instead of Debian for an even better Windows 7 experience. Of course I realize it can't look 1:1 but I am sure we will all enjoy your spin on a much better representation on what Windows 7 was.

I would like to comment on that I too wish to preserve Windows 7, however, I do not have the knowledge to simply make my own distro.

Better Theme and Desktop Environment:
--- This is the theme in question. I have actually applied this onto Manarjo after following the steps and it looked identical. Of course you'll have to change the icons, and the emblem for the start menu icon with Kumander's but since KDE basically supports animations and anything and everything Wndows 7 has done with aero, then I think this theme and distro would render superior. Might I add this theme also includes a "aero color picker" that resembles Windows 7's and can be any color instead of just blue. My only concern with this is that the menu is not interactive like it was on Windows 7. And of course dolphin file manager is not a good pick for a windows 7 experience.

I also made a SDDM login theme for KDE: -- which with more experience and work could be better.

And the best thing I made for this theme was:


And you're probably thinking, could you just use Debian KDE instead? And the answer is maybe. I have tried Kubuntu with this theme and it did have glitches. Thanks for hearing out my proposal. So far, I do like Kumander. Maybe we could preserve Windows 7 better
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Post by audacity »

I need to point out that the theme was recently updated and has a perfect interpretation of Windows 7's start menu, and they added reflections that mimics windows 7's perfectly.
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Post by Roy »

Hello Audacity and welcome to the forum.

Thank you so much for bringing these brilliant ideas about how to improve the Windows 7 experience to my attention. I really do appreciate it!

I have looked through this - it looks quite impressive. But I am going to have to investigate it properly. I am unfortunately swamped with work these days, with super tight deadlines.

The first thing that comes to mind though, is that I chose Debian + XFCE for a good reason. Kumander is aimed at being able to run quite well on older and low powered computers/laptops - hence XFCE. As for choosing Debian, there were several factors at play, but most importantly I appreciate the stability and consistency of the community and the software they produce. It really is rock solid.

However, I shall return to this to investigate further when I have the time. Nothing is written in stone.

Thanks again!

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Post by audacity »

Thanks for considering it Roy really appreciated.
Perhaps if someone taught me I could possibly also help maintain a KDE version as I would love to see happy people getting the experience almost 1:1 to Windows 7 aero look n feel since we are expecting a huge shift in marketshare after Windows 10's DOD.

Also could we have a discord? I would really love to help gain community <3 Best of luck, and good days at work.
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Post by Roy »

Honestly, I am not an expert on Discord. Heard a lot about it and was considering to use it for, but evetually decided to opt for a more simple approach with using phpBB instead. However, I know Discord is quite popular nowadays.

Do you mean to incorporate Discord as a part of this website? Or just to create a room for Kumander on another server? Either way, I am open to it. Would love some help with creating a community.

Is this perhaps something you could handle for us?
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Post by audacity »

Hey, Roy, how are you.
Yes, I mean a Discord server and yes I could definitely handle it for you. If you'd like, I could make it for you and set you all up for it and help maintain it. :)
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Post by Roy »

Wow, that would be great! :) Thank you in advance!

After you set it up, I will create links to it here, plus add it to my YouTube video's description, so that people can find it.
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Post by audacity » --- Kumander's Discord Link
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Post by Roy »

Thank you so much, Audacity, for setting up the Discord server.

I will create links and promote it very soon.
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Post by Roy »

Oh shoot! I was going to make your Discord server public today, but unfortunately it now says that the link is invalid. It must have expired - sorry about that. :(

It's been just crazy busy here lately, no time for Kumander. But I finally got a few moments now. I might just recreate your server, we'll see.

Thanks for your efforts either way!
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